A wise teacher makes learning enjoyable

The Forgotten Teddy Bear - EYFS

Oh dear...who would throw their Teddy in the bin ......The Perfect Show for EYFS


The Show...

JP the Magic Dustbin Man does  magic tricks with some of the rubbish he finds in the bin like:

  • old thimbles
  • paper bags
  • boxes
  • old props from the old magic shop
  • animal pictures

One day, he discovers a Teddy Bear in the bin.

  • It certainly appeals to young children`s sense of humour.
  • Teddy is stuck in the bin and looks for a way out.
  • An Alley Cat sings about cleaning up the world.
  • All the magic tricks are Teddy Bear or Bin man related.

The show is designed for younger children who have not experienced many live shows, but will still give them the time of their lives. 

All the children can bring their Teddies to the show and they give it a big hug, to make the magic tricks work.  This provides a bit of security for the children , but also a warm atmosphere as a big hug goes around the room. 

It is also a big social event , to show off their Teddies to others at this age. 

Excellent compliment to a Teddy Bear`s picnic or topic.  You could even have one on the same day. 

The recommended age for this show is EYFS

The Length of Act 

The Forgotten Teddy Bear Show last 45 mins and it is able to be so long because the children are either laughing or doing some action every 15 seconds or less...yes you read that right...a joy to see.  


  • The Set up is 40 minutes.
  • Take down is about 20 minutes. 
  • The stage set is a brick wall and a bin requiring an area of 2.5m length and 2.5m depth.
  • Suitable for any size room.
  • A socket point is required for Pat tested sound system.
  • Hugging Many Teddy Bears!


Call now for a quote or double check any promotional emails you may have recieved.

 JP and Alley