A wise teacher makes learning enjoyable

Christmas with Professor von Monster Mayhem

A mad scientist celebrates Christmas with quirky funny experiments with Grog his assistant. They decide to have a monstrous Christmas Party

KS 2 will love this because:

  • The Comedy Magic Tricks (experiments) are impossible for them to figure out and they are really funny.  They really like that!
  • Grog is a very cool puppet that they can actually relate with as it is aimed at their age.
  • Music is popular chart and all radio edit versions
  • Awesome disco lights and bubble machine.
  • The ever popular Dance Battle is part of the Monstrous Christmas Party as well as free style dancing.
  • Mixed with Mad Mayhem Party Games with a Christmas theme.

The Story

Professor Von Monster Mayhem has just moved into a new labatory and wants to get experimenting. He needs people to try out his theories on, so Grog suggest they have a  Christmas party and incorporate the experiments into the party using the people who come. The Christmas party gets swinging as the experiments turn out to be very funny and grog decides to be the DJ.  A Monstrous Christmas Party ensues. 


  • The length of the show / party is 90mins
  • The set up is one hour once everything is in the performance area
  • 30 min Take down / get out.
  • Pat tested equipment